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The West Point Parents Club of North Texas is a social and support organization for the parents of cadets of the United States Military Academy and the United States Military Academy Preparatory School. Parents and guardians of current and former cadets at both West Point and the Prep School are eligible for membership. The club is a strictly voluntary organization open to parents or guardians of current and former West Point cadets, as well as parents of cadets enrolled in the US Military Academy Preparatory School.  
Our club supports more than 250 families from across North Texas who are privileged to have a son or a daughter enrolled at West Point. And we have more than 500 grad parents who continue to stay in touch with our club.  We join together for fellowship, information exchange, and fun. Centered on the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex, our membership base extends as far west as Amarillo, as far east as the Tyler / Longview area, as far south as Waco, and north to the Oklahoma line. Our purpose is to provide a fun and welcoming forum for the parents of West Point and USMAPS cadets and to undertake a variety of activities in support of our cadets, our member families, and the Military Academy itself. If you fit our membership eligibility requirements, we hope you will join us!
Texas currently has three Parent Clubs.  Please join the one that is most convenient for you, even if it isn't ours!
  • West Point Parents Club of North Texas (generally zip codes that start with 75### or 76###.  We do have some members from other zip codes across Texas)
  • West Point Parents Club of Greater Houston (generally zip codes that start with 77###)
  • West Point Parents Club of South Texas (generally zip codes that start with 78###)
  • There is currently no club in the El Paso area (generally zip codes that start with 79###), so join any club you'd like.
Steps to Join WPPCNTX
Once your son or daughter has an appointment for USMA or USMAPS, please complete the following:
  • Click the red button to sign up and pay the membership fee.
  • Sign up with your email and password
  • Wait for an approval email
  • We'll add you to our members-only distro list to keep you up to date on club events and West Point information.
**Don’t forget to order the Texas name tag here as it is very helpful when you attend local or national West Point functions. 
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Top 3 Reasons To Join the West Point Parents’ Club of North Texas
Joining the West Point Parents’ Club of North Texas was one of the most important and fun steps we took in preparing for our West Point journey.  The many helpful West Point Parents’ Club's activities gave us the opportunity to learn as much as possible about the United States Military Academy at West Point so that we could better support and encourage our cadet. As a result, we developed valuable friendships that will last a lifetime. 
1. You’ll Get Answers to Your Many Questions
Becoming a member helped us to get the encouragement and the guidance we needed on a more personal and intimate level from other members. While I’m a big fan of the West Point Parent Facebook pages, there were just some topics I preferred not to discuss and have answered publicly. The first WPPCNT event we attended was the Cadet Candidate Ice Cream Social and we found it to be a lifesaver. We had so many questions about Reception Day (what to pack, where to stay, what to expect, how to communicate, etc.) and the upperclassmen and their families were there to help us navigate. We quickly discovered that no question was too insignificant and that the members of the club were always eager to help us and our cadet. Most importantly you’ll discover that whether your cadet is a Plebe, Yuk, Cow, or Firstie there is always a more experienced member that has traveled the path before you and is more than happy to share their words of wisdom in order to help you and your cadet succeed.
2. The Membership Dues Help to Fund Many Important Activities That Benefit Your Cadet         
From the Cadet Candidate Ice Cream Social, the Boodle Box Party, the Texas Tamale Tailgate to the gifts our Firsties receive in honor of their graduation from West Point; the membership fees are an important resource that helps pay for expenses related to these events. You’ll be assured that your investment is worthwhile since everything the club hosts is to assist families and help cadets succeed at West Point. 
3. You’ll Develop Life-Long, Meaningful Friendships
Without a doubt, there is a unique bond that develops with the parents of other West Point cadets. Together we face some of the same fears, obstacles, triumphs, and proud moments. We were very grateful and honored to meet families that made our journey so much easier and much more enjoyable.
Don’t Wait, Become a Member Now


West Point Parents Club of North Texas (WPPCNTX)

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